The trick is to get them to keep their hands on the paper and not their faces, walls, chairs, oh and hair... hair is a really good one to keep sticky paint covered hands out of *grin*. Why is it that as soon as they know that they aren't supposed to scratch a body part it becomes mysteriously itchy??
With our watercolor paper folded in half and each hand thoroughly covered in red paint we then placed them onto the paper doing our best to keep our thumbs slightly bent and our pointer fingers touching to make a lovely handprint heart :) To be fair we did a couple of practice runs on scrap paper before doing our 'good' cards so that we could perfect our heart making technique :)
One tip before getting your little one to stick their hands to the paper is to make sure that you have your card upside down or the opposite way that you would want it to stand when it is complete. That way your heart will display right side up. We made that mistake the first time and when we stood the card upright to dry we realized that the heart was actually upside down *grin*. Still cute but my little guy was not happy his heart didn't look quite right!
To give each of our cards a little shimmer we sprinkled glitter over the wet paint and then using our alphabet stamps my daughter stamped 'Be Mine' and 'I ♥ U' in the center of the handprint hearts for sweet little Valentine messages :)
I just love how cute they look all lined up on the table drying :)
We got a little carried away with making handprints and ended up with more cards than we actually need so if you or your children would like a little surprise Valentine card sent to you in the mail just let me now in the comments below :)
The first five commenters will have one personally sent to you by my little heart handprint creators *grin*.
All of the Valentine cards have now been spoken for :)
PS. Looking for more crafty ideas or inspiration? Pop over to Natural Suburbia's Creative Friday and see what others are up to :)

what lovely cards! I just might have to try this with my little guy....who by the way loves to get mail!
jonandjennb at gmail dot com
Oh that is so sweet...I love kids hand prints kids art work so I would love a Valentine!
Lets Bring Back the hand written letter....I do miss them.
Oh these are just lovely. I know my little one would have a wonderful time making them as well. Thanks for sharing.
Those are so cute!
What a sweet idea! Can't wait to try this with my little one!
Such a great idea! My kids would love making these. Plus, they are so much cuter than the pre-packaged valentines at the store.
i love that you are sending them out to other children, too! my children love to receive mail. it looks like you have more than five commenters already, but if you find yourself with extra we would love one! :)
These cards are precious. Just might have to make some!
Hello, I just found your blog through flickr :) This weekend my Princess and I we´ll be making Valentine's, your design will be the first to try. Can we send your kids one? We love snail mail! Please send me your addy and on Tuesday we´ll mail it. My email address is: craftysarita@yahoo.com
Warm greetings from Mexico!
What a lovely idea. We'll definitely be making some of these. Thank you for the inspiration.
Found you from the Crafty Crow. These are adorable!! I love crafts that use my kids handprints, and these valentine's cards are cute and clever. Can't wait to try these with my kids!!!
Fantastic! your handprint valentine day card designed fantastically i like it...
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Found this through Pinterest. I love this idea and will have to try it with my kids (same ages as yours).
Thanks for sharing!
Such a cute idea...I am posting this on our blog FB page today! Thank you for sharing!
I LOVE this project! In fact, I love it so much that I included it in my roundup of great handmade Valentine cards! Check it out here: http://www.favecraftsblog.com/link-love-make-your-own-valentines-day-card/
found you on Pinterest... great idea! Thanks so much for sharing! We had fun doing it... it was so oooey gooey and messy! I know the grandparents will love them.
In start of tutorial its look like that card is not that much attractive but when you use stamps it finalized a great attractive look.
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That a very lovely and brilliant idea for the card! I love it. i love the Valentines day messages on it too. Thanks for sharing!
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Those are soooo cute. I am a two year old teacher and need valentines craft ideas. Thanks for making my life much easier.
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