I just had to share with you the newest holiday issue of Inspired Ideas!!!! It's chock full of great Christmas crafts, printables and ideas :) The perfect eye candy for a Sunday afternoon. If you liked the first edition then you are going to love this one even more *grin*.
It was a rainy day here today so the kids and I snuggled up on the sofa with our blankies all afternoon and ate popcorn and watched the Sunday movie which happened to be the Princess Bride. I just love that movie :) I can't believe that we are already in November to! With the time change last night it put us in total darkness by 6pm this evening. It's definitely starting to feel like winter *grin*.
One of my winter projects that I want to tackle is brushing up on my knitting and teaching the children how to do it to. I know how to do the basic stitches but have a habit of knitting my stitches on the needles so tightly that I end up unable to get the next needle through them to go any further *grin*. I must have some unspoken inner tension that I try to work out while knitting! LOL. Small things is hosting a yarn along and I have been checking out the links and all of the fabulous things that others are up to and I can't wait to put needles to yarn so that I can join in to :) I really want to make some little elfin hats for the children so if you know of a pattern preferably free that shows how to make knitted elf shaped hats I would love to know :)
I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday.
Oh, I'm playing along in Ginny's Yarn Along too. Love her blog. :) Sadly it's posting on Wednesdays (as is Right now, I Am, so I'll have to post twice on Wednesdays. :)
Here is a link to a gnome hat (it's a dollar to download) It's pretty cute and I think you could easily make an i-cord or something so the kids could "do it up."
I'm almost done Isaac's vest. Then I have to finish my nieces cardigan and start another vest. Time feels like it's running out. YIKES. :) xo
You could also go to Ralvery www.ralvery.com and search for some patterens. Here's what came up when I typed in elfin hat...
Hope this helps. -Debbie
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