The potholders are coming along nicely :)
I decided to leave the more christmasy fabrics on the bottom and mounted them all onto the white linen background adding a red border with little linen squares in the four corners. I think it compliments the little birdies perfectly!

This may be the fastest that I have ever completed a swap. No I'm not done yet... darn close though *grin*. Both of the potholder tops are stitched and quilted to the heat resistant batting and all that needs to be finished tomorrow is to add the binding and whip up my ornament :)
I can't wait to see what my partner makes for me!
My mom was teasing me about putting so much work into a gift for a complete stranger but you know I have received some of the nicest things from ladies all across the globe that I have only met through emails :) It's like Christmas all year round to have little surprise packages of homemade goodness arrive!
Looks so nice!
They are looking great Rosina. I know it seems a little odd to put all that effort in for a stranger but I would like to think that everyone puts in their best effort - imagine if you didn't and someone spent hours and hours on your swap gift - I would feel really bad!
I have got my tops together but have had to chase around town for the insulated wadding. Jill x
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