Last week I bought my very first wool dryer ball and I'm LOVING it :) I stopped purchasing dryer sheets a while ago but I'm not to fond of static cling and frizzy hair *grin* so I knew I was going to have to replace them with something! I had heard about a nearby shop that was selling them so I thought that I would check them out and see what all the buzz is about.
There were two choices to pick from. There were ones that were made of tightly wound wool yarn that had been washed to felt it and there were the fancier ones like mine above that had a wound yarn inner core and then had a solid needle felted cover with different motifs on them. Longevity wise the needle felted one like the one I purchased is thought to last longer over the years and I do a ton of laundry so I opted for it, plus I'm a sucker for owls *grin*.

They work by bouncing around in your dryer and helping to move your clothing more and incorporate the warm air throughout the wet clothing thus cutting your drying time considerably. It is suggested that you use anywhere from 3 - 6 dryer balls in your load to increase their efficiency. With all of that bouncing around in there it also helps to soften your clothing taking out wrinkles and any stiffness thus taking the place of your dryer sheet!
So far I only have 1 and I'm going to pick up another 2 or 3 of them in the next couple of weeks but so far I've noticed that the static electricity is not as bad. So with more of them I should be static free and using less electricity. That's a big plus in my books *grin*. Most of them come unscented and you can drop a few drops of your favorite essential oils onto them and they will infuse your laundry with lovely floral scents without all of the harsh chemicals. I've scented mine with lavender essential oil right now and when the scent disappears I can either put more lavender or switch it up :)

1. ElasIdea 2. BuddhaBunz 3. BuddhaBunz
4. FiberOptions 5. LittleFriendsbySarah
6. DomesticallyGreen
You've got to love Etsy! Here are some of my favorites that I came across while searching for the dryer balls. They come in a varying range of sizes, prices and materials that they are made with and I thought this would give you a start on finding some that you love to :)
I bought mine at www.WoolDryerBalls.com over 3 years ago and LOVE them! They are the longest lasting (don't buy those raveled up ones out there as they undo after a months use!) the best priced too!
Hi Mary :) Thanks for sharing another place to purchase wool dryer balls. It's always great to have lots of options :)
I'm a sucker for owls too. :)
These are great. I might have to try my hand at making some. We haven't used dryer sheets in years but found some reusable cloth dryer sheets that seem to work well. These balls look like fun though. Thanks for sharing. xo
Thanks for sharing. I don't use dryer sheets, but those bounce bars instead. This might be a great alternative! I know my husband hates static cling, so maybe this will help! If they really last for years, this will be a great savings!!
Hi Lindsey :) Yes I'm hoping that they will last for years to and I think Debbie had a good idea of making them! I'm going to see what it costs for materials and if I can gather supplies cheaper than I can actually purchase them I may try making a few :)
How adorable. I have never heard of these before. We don't use any fabric softener either, but we like Charlie's Soap detergent. No need for softener, and no harsh chemicals or scents, and no joke I use it on my cloth diapers (which are on kid #2) and they still look brand new! I swear I don't get anything from them advertisement wise.
I buy my Charlie's Soap online. You can google it or get it from amazon I believe. We use Bumgenius diapers with microfiber inserts. I am amazed at how long they have lasted.
Thanks so much for the lovely review. I just found it today.
I wanted to mention that I've been using the pixie pod raveled up dryer balls for months and are showing no signs of coming undone.
I use quality merino wool and it felts beautifully and is very strong.
Pixie Pod
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