...thinking that today's swimming lessons looked more like a visit to Club Med *grin*. When I was a kid our swim teacher stood over us on the pool decks and barked out orders like a drill sergeant and you worked your buns off treading water, doing laps or learning some sort of skill. Heaven forbid we ever had a moment to actually play. As I re-read that I feel like the old guy that tells the story of how he had to walk to school up hill both ways without shoes in knee high snow but I kid you not our swim teacher was the devil in disguise! LOL. I sure am glad that their lessons are much more playful :)
It does look a little like he's on holiday. :) I need to get Isaac into some swim lessons. We did some stuff when he was little - but now I think would be a good time to get him involved in actually learning to swim. Thanks for the reminder.
Times are a changing, friend. *wink*
I completely agree with your memories they are the same as mine. One scary teacher ; )
Very funny! Play is so important. It makes the other stuff well worth it. I hear you about the drill sargent swim teacher. I always thought that would be an easy job as a kid.
Oh Justine! You do know exactly what I'm talking about old friend LOL. We got the brunt of it to since she pretty much ran every after school activity we did to. I can't remember were you in Brownies when we were little to? Boy do I have some memories from that to!! LOL.
Jenn that goodness times have changed. It really is so much fun for them to go for lessons and I think this time everyone is going to pass. YAY!! K & L were under water this time around and my youngest is completely fearless so I'm pretty sure he's going to do awesome *grin*.
Hi Lisa :) Thanks so much for stopping by. I'm loving your weekly posts!
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