Friday, November 20, 2009

Slush Angels & Felt Fun

Felt Presents

To the children's delight we woke up to a little over 2 inches of snow this morning. The usual heavy wet snow that we get on the west coast but that never stops everyone from going out at least three times during the day leaving mom with loads of soggy mittens, scarves, and snow clothes to be dried on demand for the next round of slush angels! *grin*

We're taking part in the Kids Craft Weekly Christmas card swap again this year so we've starting working on our 10 cards that we will be sending out around the globe :) Last year we made felt trees with multi colored felt decorations on them and this year we're getting even more creative and working on a pop up card. So we've whipped out the felt, glue, and LOTS of glitter! I just love working with felt so we're creating little presents out of it right now with felt bows and a ribbon sash :) So much fun! We received some really cool Christmas cards last year from our swap partners and we can't wait to see where they come from this year.

~ Rosina

1 comment:

토토사이트 said...

Très bon article, j'ai hâte d'en lire d'autres. Très bien.