My son started this painting of his dad's tug boat and some of the other company tugs a little over a month ago and since then there has been an empty hook in our family room awaiting its arrival. Well the day has finally come and his dad is so proud of it :)
It just happened that today hubby was going to be stopping in at the wharf to refuel his tug and get supplies so K got to show him the completed painting :)

Above is the original pencil drawing he made from a photo. In a couple of weeks our town is hosting its annual Garden Tour and quite often some of the homes will display quilts or artistic works done by locals and we are going to exhibit K's paintings in my mom's garden as she is part of the tour *grin*.
He has studied Frida Kahlo, Leonardo Da vinci, Henri Matisse, & Dr. Suess so far, copying some of their most famous paintings and learning about their lives. I think it will be fun for him since he's only 10 and to be able to share some of his new found knowledge about the arts will be great. Plus you know those older ladies will just love it! LOL.
~ Rosina
That's awesome!!! He did a great job. :)
(eclectic education)
I love it! Will he paint one for me? Such talent! :)
Aha! So THIS is where you've been hiding LOL ...I just noticed how LONGGGGG it had been since a blog post of yours had come through my friends list thinger and went over to the 'academy' blog, jumped from there to twitter, which led me here. You just wanted to make people THINK, didn't ya. *grin*
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