Monday, June 13, 2011

Homemade Rhubarb Juice ~ Recipe

Rhubarb Juice

We are still swimming in rhubarb around here as our plants just keep giving and giving :) So I thought that I would share again with you my favorite way to make a rhubarb juice which is such a wonderful summertime treat :)

Rhubarb Stalks

The kids and I filled an entire laundry basket heaping to the top with fresh rhubarb stalks to bring into the house for stewing and of course once it is cut it's best to use it up right away so I got busy washing them up and trimming off any dirty spots.

Rhubarb Juice

This is so super easy to make and even if you only have a little bit of rhubarb you probably have enough to make at least one special batch :)

Cut up 6 cups of fresh rhubarb stalks into 1 - 2 inch pieces and place in a heavy bottomed sauce pot. Add 8 cups of water, 2 1/2 cups of sugar and 2 or 3 nice thick slices of lemon and bring to a boil. Once boiling reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes when the rhubarb has completely gone mushy.

New Juice Bottles

Let the syrup cool and then strain it through a fine mesh sieve into a jar. You will have a gorgeous pink liquid and you can eat the boiled rhubarb to! The stewed rhubarb is so sweet and tasty that the children love to eat it warm straight from the sieve :) Usually there isn't a stitch of mushy rhubarb left when we're done but since I made so much this year I shared it with the dog and the cow *grin*.

Rhubarb Juice

I got some great new jars this spring to that I couldn't wait to use and this seemed to be the perfect time. They have rubber stoppers that you clamp down tightly and we've filled them quite a few times with rhubarb syrup to take along camping with us or for a picnic by the pond.

The rest of the juice I canned in my mason canning jars and some of it I froze as well. If you want to can the rhubarb juice all you need to do is wash up some of your larger canning jars and pour the boiling hot juice straight from the pot after you've strained it into your jars and then screw on your lids with your canning seals heated up just like if you were making jam :) So far I have about a dozen quart jars to last us through the winter and 7 wine bottles full in the freezer. It's going to be so much fun to be able to pull them out in the dead of winter and enjoy a little bit of spring :)

To finish off your yummy rhubarb juice you can mix 1 part syrup with two parts water or for a fizzy spritzer you can use a sparkling water like Pellagrino instead plain water for a real treat. Personally that's my favorite way to drink it and it is so refreshing on a hot day.

Have fun making some of your own!


PS. Looking for more yummy recipes?? Check out this week's Hearth and Soul blog hop :)


erin said...

This looks really really refreshing! Thanks for the recipe...I have alot of rhubarb I could use.


Alea Milham said...

I love this idea! I have more rhubarb than we can eat and my neighbors are getting tired of it too. :) I can't wait to give your recipe a try. Thanks for sharing it with the Heartha and Soul Hop.

Shanon Hilton said...

I was looking for a rhubarb juice recipe - thanks. I found you on Hearth & Soul. I'm in Canada too - Take care. --Shanon

Natalie said...

Looks delicious :) My Mom loves rhubarb so I'll pass this recipe on to her.

I'm also taking part in the Hearth & Soul hop and that's how I found your blog.

eidolons said...

You know, I've never had rhubarb. Everyone keeps posting such tasty recipes. Perhaps I'll give it a try this year. (:

Cory said...

That looks so yummy! I'm going to give it a try! Found your blog while surfing, enjoying it!

Linda said...

How lovely! Thanks for sharing:)

Мъх said...

Thanks for this idea:) I'll try it!

Anonymous said...

I've been making this for a couple summers now, and usually my syrup ends up a light green color. Still tasty, just not as pretty! Last week when I made it, it finally turned out a light pink color. Yours is so bright red! I wonder if it is a different variety of rhubarb that makes for the color difference...?

I LOVE those bottles! Did you buy them new? I'd love to pick some up.

Shanon Hilton said...

I'm making this currently. One question, where did you find those lovely bottles? Thanks. --S

Roz said...

Our rhubarb just keeps giving and giving too, Rosa! I just cut up two gallon-bags worth to freeze and use later! Love that rhubarb and this juice sounds awesome!

Julie said...

My goodness, it looks so pretty! i really am going to have to try this recipe. And those are great bottles, btw.

Hopewell Creek Designs said...

That looks so pretty and so summery. I have never tasted rhubarb juice before,so I am intrigued. You always share so many fun and interesting things!

Sandpiper said...

Hi there! I haven't seen you around blogland much lately. Hope all is well and that you're enjoying your Summer.
That juice sounds delicious!