I love the rythmic movement of sewing by hand. The pierce of the needle and the constant motion of pulling the thread around and through. I could do it for hours on end letting my thoughts wander and ripple like waves... constantly moving, free and fluid. So soothing to my soul :)
I've been spending many evenings lately quietly stitching after the children have gone to bed. Quick little projects that bring near instant gratification. Seeing the fruit of my work come together with ease makes my heart sing. Especially when it's little surprises for the children to enjoy in the morning.
In past years we've had an abundance of pussy willow buds that would put on a fuzzy spring show. The children would have fun picking some for bringing indoors where they could stroke the soft little blooms again and again, usually until they popped right off their branches *grin* but these days there are less and less of them to be found.
Spring is calling every bone of my being these days so I wanted to bring some of that newness indoors even if I couldn't find it wild in nature :)
I've been cutting wool cloth and twirling little snippets of rose and cream colored wool rovings to create our own pussy willows. I found a lovely little tutorial quite some time ago and have been meaning to make some ever since but just haven't made the time. So these past evenings I've been puposely collecting my sewing box and creating little woolen versions that we can place on our nature table. They are coming together so wonderfully :)
PS. Looking for more crafty ideas or inspiration? Pop over to Natural Suburbia's Creative Friday and see what others are up to :)

oh Wow! it IS gorgeous!! you're kids are going to be so thrilled!
I did too just finished a hand sewn piece that I meant to do for ages... I've sewn a gobelet for my daugther's doll :)
Those are so sweet. I absolutely love pussy willows. We have a damp area in the far back corner of our yard where I plan to plant one this spring so that I will be able to pick them in the future!
These are so lovely and the kitty paws add an extra bit of softness to the pics :). I was just thinking lately that I feel my sewing bug coming back around...
I love the pussy willows. We have lots of willow down in the swamp, but they are usually too flooded in the spring to get near. Maybe we should convince Daddy to get out the canoe for us. Paula
I love it!!! I have got to make this for my easter decor this spring.I am so longing for spring too,and I am a lover of winter but this year it has worn out it's welcome.Now my hands are itchin to get started!! Thanks so much for sharing.
I've always liked sewing by hand too...the pussy willow branches you've made are lovely!
oh my gosh!!!!!!
you are WAY talented and so very creative...I love love love them!!!
I also love to sew by hand, for many of the reasons you so beautifully wrote:):)
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