Say hello the 'Bee' :)
The kids and I took a trip down island yesterday to pick up a couple of little calves and they are the sweetest little things. They're Ayrshires, a good hardy Scottish breed and I am so in love with this ones cute little doe eyes *grin*. Yeah, I know all babies are cute but we just love cows around here with their whiskery noses and inquisitive nature :)

The fellow we bought them from had named the above one Bee because apparently when he was born he had huge bugged out eyes that reminded him of a bee and the other little guy (don't have a photo) was named Appy because his coat looks like an Appaloosa but the kids changed his name to Bumble so now we have Bumble & Bee *grin*.
They took to the trailer really well and were quite content to spend their time peaking through the crack between the doors while they waited to be unloaded. I don't think we've had a quieter pair before either, not a peep out of them! No mooing or bawling from the change, just happy to be piglets in all of the lush green grass that has sprung up finally :)
I think we're going to make them into a nice 4H project for my oldest and he can spend time halter training them and learning how to care for them. Should be fun!
~ Rosina