Monday, May 30, 2011

Mouthwatering Rhubarb Pie ~ Recipe

Rhubarb Pie

Rhubarb season is in full swing and there is no shortage of it around here! We've been eating it in muffins, cakes and now pie :) The tartness of the rhubarb mixed with a good dose of sugar makes for a mouth watering combination. If you're not crazy about a sweet pie then a warm slice of rhubarb pie might change your mind. The tart bite of the rhubarb counteracts the sweet and melds together perfectly.


Pull out your food processor and start feeding in fresh stalks from your rhubarb plant. The amount of sliced rhubarb you need will depend on the size of your pie plate so pull out an empty pie plate and start filling it with your sliced rhubarb until you have a really heaping dish full. It will shrink as it cooks so more is better than not enough!

I have quite a deep pie plate so I used about 10 cups of sliced rhubarb while my mom can only squeeze about 8 cups into hers so using your pie plate will give you the perfect amount :)

Rhubarb Pie

Once you have all of your rhubarb sliced and measured out put it into a large bowl and add:

1 1/2 cups sugar
6 heaping Tbsp. minute tapioca
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 egg lightly beaten

and mix all of it thoroughly together. If you are worried that it's to much sugar, don't. You could cut it back a bit but I wouldn't take away to much. You need that sweet to keep you from puckering up to much when you take that first bite *grin*.

I know that lots of people use flour as a thickener in their pies to help all of those juices set but I really like to use tapioca because you don't have to worry about getting any lumps. It's just that easy!

Now that you have your rhubarb all mixed up, pour it into your pie plate that is lined with an unbaked pastry shell for the bottom of your pie.

Rhubarb Pie

Tuck a few dabs of unsalted butter on top of your rhubarb filling and cover with another sheet of your pastry. Pinch, roll, or tuck the ends of your pastry tightly together to help seal in all of that rhubarb goodness and to finish it off you can sprinkle a little bit of sugar over the top of your pastry. I also like to take a sharp knife and cut in a few slits across the center of my pastry to let steam escape as it cooks.

Place in a pre-heated oven at 400 degrees fahrenheit for the first 15 minutes and then turn your oven down to 350 degrees fahrenheit after that and continue cooking for another hour.

Sticky Goodness

Mmm, mmm!

You will know your pie is good and ready to come out of the oven when your pastry has browned up, you can hear it bubbling and some of the juices are starting to escape :)

It's always a good idea to put a sheet of foil or parchment paper underneath your pie as it cooks because more often than not there will be a little bit of delicious sweetness that escapes and drips out of your pie. This makes clean up a cinch!

If you can keep yourself from cutting into your rhubarb pie while it's hot it will set up beautifully and the pieces will come out nice and solid. Of course we couldn't help but dip into our pie while it was still hot so we made a bit of a mess of ours but it was so worth it *grin*.


PS. Looking for more yummy recipes?? Check out this week's Hearth and Soul blog hop


Kitchen Belleicious said...

you definitely just made my mouth water! My oh my I just made a rhubarb and strawberry hand pies but now you are making me think I need to do this like NOW! Wow- love the last pic too. Just shows the juicy goodness!

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Definitely following you now so I be back often!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I do love a tart pie! Actually my favorite pies are hot or cold, as my dearly departed father would say.:) Your pie looks mouth watering good!
Big Hugs,

house full of jays said...

Mmm mmm! This looks delicious - I do love rhubarb pie. I was so sad to hear that my rhubarb source had her plant ripped up last year to put down...pea gravel!!! Egad!

Miz Helen said...

Hi Rosina,
Your Rhubarb Pie looks delicious, it is a great recipe. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

Jennifer Hoots said...

I want to come live with you! :-)

Mrs A said...

yum, i just bought rhubarb, thanks for the recipe!

Cheryl said...

I love rhubarb. I hadn't thought of putting tapioca in the pie. I've noted down your recipe, so next time. Sweet cicely is meant to be good with rhubarb as it means that you don't have to add so much sugar.

The Wise Alternative 918-836-0565 said...

I haven't had rhubarb pie in years but I remember it was definitely an old family favorite...

Great post and thanks for sharing at the hearth and soul hop.

The Wise Alternative 918-836-0565 said...

I haven't had rhubarb pie in years but I remember it was definitely an old family favorite...

Great post and thanks for sharing at the hearth and soul hop.

Roz said...

What a beautiful pie, Rosy! I'm glad that you enjoyed being featured last week on my blog get-together! I have many Canadian blog friends. I follow you and hope that you will be-friend me too by following back! Have a great week and hope to see you NEXT weekend again with your lovely recipes! Mmmmm!