A couple of good bloggy friends and I are swapping handmade Valentine cards that our children are making for each other and with the mailing deadline of Feb.1st just a couple of days away I thought we'd better get cracking! We found all sorts of fantastic valentine craft supplies at the dollar store the last time we were in town. There were paper hearts, foam shapes, glitter, ribbon roses, and so much more. It was hard to keep to a budget and not just splurge by grabbing tons of everything. LOL.

My daughter fell in love with a cute little critter kit to make these adorable 'Love Bugs' as she calls them so we made up a whole bunch of them to. Not sure what we're going to do with all of these love bugs but they're awful cute and she's having fun hiding them around the house for me to find *grin*. How about you, what sort of Valentine crafts are you up to?
~ Rosina