
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wet Felting Mice

Wet felting

That scrumptious box of wool rovings I received the other day couldn't have come at a better time! Last night I stood at the sink with the brightest of the colors and worked at felting them into little mice shaped bodies for the mouse eating snake I've been knitting for my little guys 5th birthday :)

Wet felting

I love wet felting :)
It's such a simple and relaxing task as you gently rub the wool round and round. I think the wool must have acted like a bit of an exfoliator to because my hands are as soft as a babies bottom today *grin*.

Wet felting Mice

One by one the little mice bodies took form...


and just before bed I stitched on little tucked ears and long tails :) Oh my goodness are they so stinking cute! Hubby thought I was a little strange as I perfected each little ear and giggled at their cute little bodies but I know they are going to be a HUGE hit when he opens them up today :)

Homemade wrapping paper

There's five little plump mice... perfect for a little boy who's turning five :)
I'll share more on the snake this week for the yarn along to! I'm off to work on his special birthday meal :)



  1. Love it! I enjoy wet felting too, making my acorns is a favourite past-time :)

  2. Can I come and be a kid at your house? (:

  3. So cute! I especially love the bright rainbow colors.

  4. Amazing! They are so cute! Love those little ears!

  5. they are so cute and i especially love those ears! happy birthday to your little guy and happy birthing day to you mama! ;)

  6. I love wet felting...and needle felting - oh my these mice are so cute. M is going to LOVE them. Happy 5th birthday to him. xoxo <3

  7. Those are the cutest mice ever!! I wish I had some!
    Happy Birthday to your son! Is this your youngest?

  8. Really cute blog! Lovely!
    Follow me? I'll be very happy if you do it!
    THank you so much!

  9. Something almost therapeutic about wet felting. What sweet little mice. I think I need to get my box of roving out.

    Happy birthday. I hope your son has a wonderful year.

  10. super cute! can't wait to see the snake too. i never knew felting was so easy? i must try soon....

  11. Happy Birthday to your sweet little guy. I've never done felting but the colors of your adorable mice are gorgeous! Enjoy celebrating your son's special day!

  12. you're right ~ soo stinkin' cute!!

  13. these are so cute!! havent't gone back any further than yarn yet...I'm working up to it. Gotta break this stuff to your hubby one step at a time!!
