
Sunday, September 12, 2010

QAYG ~ Color Therapy

QAYG Block 3

I'm very pleased with how my Quilt As You Go blocks are coming along. I managed to get two more of them sewn together amidst the piles of scrap fabrics that are accumulating at breakneck speed on top of the kitchen table *grin*.

QAYG Block 2

Sewing them together is a real breeze but this project has completely confirmed what I have long feared about myself but have never dared to admit....

I am absolutely HORRID at matching colors together *grin*.

Seriously I never go to the fabric store for a project unless I have a very clear idea of what colors or patterns I want to buy because being confronted by a sea of colors boggles my brain entirely! It must be quite funny for my mom or whomever might be with me on a day that I have no idea of what I want because I wander down the isles with my eyes darting over the rows of fabric like a panicked rabbit being chased by wild dogs LOL.

QAYG blocks

So maybe this project might prove to be a good therapy tool as it's forcing me to sift through total color overload as I rummage through my scraps. Either I'm going to get the hang of it or I'm going to need a serious cheater card as to what fabrics I should be putting together.

Take that strip of green linen on the top of the bottom block in the photo above. I thought it was a good idea before I stitched it to the rest of the block but now I'm thinking it wasn't such a good idea *grin*. Oh well, to late now!

Three blocks down and quite a few more to go....
For better or for worse *wink*.

~ Rosina


  1. G'morn Rosina ~ Love those fancy stockings. Well, you have done a beautiful job putting yoru fabrics together, far better than I'd ever attempt.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

  2. Hi Rosina, I am your newest follower...Jodi from Pleasant Home sent me over. Your blog is beautiful and I am in love with your quilt! The colors are absolutely perfect. Can't wait to see it all come together. Nice to meet you, Patty

  3. I love them! They look just adorable. Sometimes things up close are not as pretty as when you step back and look at it from a distance. And together, they are happy ;0)

    Happy quilting!

  4. just find your blog. !! i am loving it!
    I like your squares they go together quit nicely! the reason you might like the green on that one block is it looks to be a solid color. Try and put some more solid colors and it will look great. That's not to say it doesn't look great already.
    love to see what it looks like in the end!

  5. I am really liking this quilt of yours. So bright and fun. I think the colors are coming together quite nicely! Good job!

  6. I don't think anyone could do a better job, my friend! Simply lovely! And certainly color therapy!!!
