I finally did it!! I opened up an Etsy shop ~ Rosy Und Posy :)
It's a collaborative shop with my mom since she's a craft maniac to and she loves making Victorian nightgowns which she's hoping others will like :) So far I have just listed some of the cute spotted owl cards that I made from the rubber stamp I carved for my owl swap but I'm hoping to get more listed. Like my cute little Rosy Posy brooches, cloth shopping bags and more over the next couple of days. I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to starting out on new ventures but I'm hoping this will go great! I spent all morning figuring out how to set up the profile pages and how to make a listing but now that I've got a couple done it should be much easier next time *grin*. Thank goodness for Handmadeology to! If you haven't been over there yet you should check it out because he has some of the best tutorial videos going on getting started with an Etsy or Artfire shop :)
Hope you'll stop by over at Rosy Und Posy and check out all of the new things that will be added soon.