
Monday, June 7, 2010

Nosy Cows & Potatoes


Come now... don't be shy! *grin*
My baby just wants to get a closer look at you and perhaps snuffle your pockets for some treats and lick your hand as a light hearted gesture of friendship LOL.

I just love this guy :) We picked him and his brother up last spring as 2 month old bottle babies just starting to be weaned and he is such a sucker for love. Never makes a peep unless you go by and don't pay attention to him and he loves to get a good scratch. Beware though he's a licker teehee.

Hilling our Potatoes

All three kids headed out first thing this morning to lend a hand with the massive job of hilling the potatoes. I think perhaps someone was a wee bit hungry when they planted this year *grin*. They're growing beautifully though. Very healthy and if all goes as planned we're going to have a bumper crop!

The Potato patch

I think they got the majority of the work done before it rained so hard late this afternoon that it soaked you in less than 10 seconds! The kids rather enjoyed the downpour and brought me a lovely fresh batch of grass, dirt and whatever else happened to get stuck to their boots today into the mud room. I swear with all the wet weather we've been having I'm going to start calling it the 'muddy' room! *grin*

No matter how much mud I had to clean today I had this beautiful quote on my mind:

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ~Marcel Proust

Oh how I just love that as my children bring so much joy and laughter to my days :)
~ Rosina


  1. Oh my gosh...that is the sweetest picture of your calf. My Kassidy wants to know what his name is?

  2. I'm so happy to have found your blog too. We just moved away from the island about a year ago. Your garden is beautiful! Can you ever have too many potatoes? I really don't think so.

    I look forward to getting to know you better!

  3. oh your moo moo is so cute.... I could just smooch him myself. Pass the potatoes please. Looks like your busy busy ...Have a great week. Mica

  4. That picture just makes me smile! What a cutie!

  5. LOVE your cow. He's gorgeous. on to potatoes - ours are at least a foot tall...with no more room to mound. They are growing like nothing else in the garden. :)
    And I agree with Annie - you can NEVER have too many potatoes. (This coming from an Irish girl.) -Debbie
