My reusable cloth bags have been so well received that I am in utter shock and to my continued amazement I've been picked up by quite a few different bloggers who have so very generously shared about me :) I'm not sure how they even found little old me *grin* but thank you so much!!
I joined Etsy in the middle of February and actually didn't even make my first sale until the end of March and found it hard to wrap my mind around how I was going to draw attention to my shop with over 170,000 other fantastic sellers to choose from. Somehow though they have found me and I am so thankful that they have :)
The latest little bit of publicity is from the great gals at Glimpse-Reviews where Canadian moms review Canadian products. You can check it out at:
and try your luck in the draw for a free cloth snack bag courtesy of me :) Good luck!
~ Rosina