
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yarn Along ~ Socking it Out

A post of my current read and what is cast on my needles ~ Inspired by Ginny over at {Small Things}

Yarn Along

My little stash of socks is growing!
I decided not to stop with one finished pair since I have tons of yarn still to knit with so three down and at least one more to go to make a matched pair *grin*.

Baby Socks

They are so stinking adorable that I may just have to make another pair when this one is finished to :) You can find the pattern here. For my book this week I just got a copy of Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of the Continent by Andrew Nikiforuk.

I've been all riled up lately over the Northern Gateway pipeline that Enbridge wants to ram through our province and I shared some videos here last week and I've got another one to share with you today below.

The tar sands are sort of 'out of sight, out of mind' for most Canadians. Even for myself I hadn't given them a heck of a lot of thought in the past but with the pipeline possibly being built through the Great Bear Rainforest, our coastal temperate rainforest, in ecologically sensitive land I wanted to get a bigger picture of what the tar sands and their sticky bitumen means to the rest of our great country!

What does environmental devastation actually look like? In this video above at TEDxVictoria, photographer Garth Lenz shares shocking photos of the Alberta Tar Sands mining project -- and the beautiful (and vital) ecosystems under threat. Please, please take the 17 minutes it takes to watch it and learn a little more about the tar sands. Those pretty commercials they show on television of the environmentally friendly mines with gorgeous forest in the background won't be there for long and is not a true representation of what it truly is.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox... for now *grin*.

Can't wait to see what you all have been knitting this week!!



  1. those socks are so cute, they can even walk on their own!!

  2. Great socks, what is that yarn?
    Just of to finish my 'chores' and then I'm coming back to watch that video clip. I lived for a year in BC so I have a HUGE soft spot for Canada!

  3. I adore those teeny tiny socks :) I love the earthy tones as well!!

  4. The socks are adorable! I love baby socks :-) And the tar sands...I am so concerned about our dependence on oil, and that we seem to want to stop at nothing in order to keep the oil flowing. I have been working on reducing my need for oil for the past several years...unfortunately not so easy, especially in the winter...without an alternative heat source. Hoping to get a wood stove soon though! And with $4-5/gallon oil on the horizon, definitely a necessity!!!

  5. I'll say it again, those socks are just adorable! Love the colors. And the book, well it sounds interesting. Really gets my goat how dependant on oil we are as a soiciety when we shouldn't have to be. So much technology that doesn't reach the public. So much big money in the wrong places. Thanks for stopping by for a blog visit today. The shawl is blocking and looks so much better. Can't wait until it's dry.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  6. Those little socks are adorable! Oh my gosh... so stinkin' cute.

  7. What perfect little socks. Not at all surprised you carried on to another pair. Gorgeous yarn.

  8. Hi again, just watched that video clip! Shocking! the sheer size of the tar sands as they are and what they will are soon to be is mind numbing. Thank you for posting this, you are quite right to get up on your 'soap box'.

  9. I love the socks!! I need to find a toddler sock pattern. My little one keeps asking for Momma made socks!!

  10. Those socks are so frickin' cute! I tried to make a sock for me and stalled out. Maybe I should aim for smaller socks?

  11. Ugh what is up with the pipelines lately?! On another note, those socks are adorable-so cute!

  12. What sweet, lovely socks! And great colours :-)

  13. Love the socks...adorable! I checked out the pattern link - thanks for the notes!

  14. These are the cutest socks ever! Love.

  15. Oh those socks are adorable. I would knit pair after pair too.

  16. oh so adorable! i love your wee socks.

  17. Those socks are perfect! I'm off to get the pattern now...thanks for the link xx

  18. Those socks are too adorable! And thank you, thank you, thank you for the tar sands video. I share your concerns.

  19. Adorable socks, and thank you for talking about Tar Sands! It shjould be on all our minds,

  20. Oh my gosh, those are adorable!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.
