
Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent and a Birthday

Birthday Cake

It's been a busy couple of days :)
We had family visiting from out of town, a special outing to listen to the Christmas choir singing at one of the churches in the city which was such a treat, catching a few last minute craft fairs and a few trips transporting Hubby to and from his tug boat for work.

Birthday Cake

It's okay though because today was my birthday and I got to sleep in and catch up on some rest and relaxation *grin*. The children made me the cutest little handmade birthday cards and my mom had all of us for cake. A delicious hazelnut torte filled with apricot jam and brushed with Austrian rum... so yummy! So good in fact that it disappeared much to quickly as we sipped our coffee that we had to splurge and have a second slice :)


The days leading up to Christmas eve seem to be zipping by really quickly and I've been working on making a list of all the things that still need to be done. I've been spending an hour each evening working on a few fabric Finnish stars that I want to give to my mom and my mother in-law and the children requested felt dragons earlier in the year after seeing the one I had made for Michaelmas so they have been cut out and are waiting to be sewn...

Third Sunday of Advent

but when we lit our three candles last night for advent it reminded me of the peace and joy of the season that we are embracing and that I need to focus less again on the hustle and bustle of 'getting it all done' and more on family and togetherness. I found that in the past I get very caught up in doing and this year is all about the enjoying *grin*.

So far I think I'm doing a pretty good job at it and the sparkle in the children's eyes has never been so bright :)



  1. Happy belated birthday to you! That cake sounds over the top, wonderful. I think we are in a good balance, too, this season of advent. I am so thankful that we are slowing down a bit to remember why we celebrate Christmas. ((hugs))

  2. happy birthday rosina! beautiful snippets from your warm and cozy life. that cake from your mom sounds heavenly! i am glad you're enjoying the season in family togetherness this year and seeing more sparkle in the kids' eyes! that's mostly what i'm able to do this year because of our big move - but, this family togetherness after two years apart is very special. i still look forward to seeing all your creations (and i do have my knitting on my lap as i read through my blogs..) crafting can never stop!

  3. Big birthday wishes to you, Rosina!! I'd have loved to celebrate with you (and not just for a slice of the cake). ;)

  4. Hi Rosina,

    I'm your Christmas ornament swap partner through Natural Suburbia. I was just wondering if you had received the ornament I sent to you? I have emailed you a couple of times. I was wondering if you had also sent ours out? We are waiting excitedly to see what wonderful creation you have made for us, your blog is so full of gorgeousness! Do please let me know. Thanks

  5. Happy Birthday! I LOVE your advent candle holder. So beautiful!
