
Monday, November 28, 2011

Flooding Again


Seems like all I've been doing lately is talk about the weather and today is going to be no exception *grin*.

Yesterday morning when I rolled out of bed just before 8am we went into full on evacuation mode around here as the water started to creep up over the irrigation ditches around our home and into the fields. I was hoping we were going to make it through this year without any flooding but I must have thought it aloud and jinxed myself!

Running to higher ground

Hubby is busy working up north gathering a log tow up at the head of Knight's Inlet so it was just the kids and I and I wasn't feeling up to staying home alone as the water surrounded us and started to poor into the basement so we started packing. My mom lives next door on higher ground so we gathered clothing, food, toys and crafts to keep us busy, lifted up some of the books that were on the floor along with picture boxes and the computer tower and then I flicked off the main breaker to the house cutting off all electricity in preparation for a lot of water.

Waterfront Property

We made it down the road that connects between our homes just in time. Only a short while later it was already at least 3 feet deep and I know just how cold that water is when you have to wade through it :(


We were safe and dry but it's not exactly fun to stand on the other side of a brown and raging river and watch it creep closer and closer to your house.

The Girls

My dad had moved the cow up to higher ground by our chickens so that it would be safe and the girls lost all of their yard to the brown deluge but they were safe and dry as they looked out their door :)

Darkness comes

High tide came just as darkness was settling in and we checked the water levels once more before turning in while willing our thoughts to happier things like working on our advent :)

Swollen & Muddy

When I woke up this morning the water was gone again just as quickly it seemed as it had come and we found what remained of the four feet of water that had made its way inside our house. My oldest son and my dad pumped out what was left and dry firewood was brought in to try and dry out the woodstove so that I could get the house warm again and tonight we're all tucked back into our own beds again.

Despite all of the sloshing around in my gumboots I'm still doing in the basement it could have been worse and I am so thankful that we are all safe and forging ahead like it never happened. Now I just hope it doesn't do it again at least for a little while *grin*.



  1. Oh dear, that would be nerve racking to watch the water creep up. I'm so glad it's going down again. West coast living, eh?!

  2. Beautiful pictures, but how scary to watch the water creep up and invade your home!Glad to read everyone is safe!

  3. wow! good thing you're all safe and sound. i can't imagine the havoc a flood could wreak on your home. did you have to move all the furniture before you left too? oi...

  4. So glad you are back in your home..... wonderful to get a glimpse into your very, very beautiful surroundings. I hope you suffered no damage to your house. I admire your sweet way of telling the story - no panic or pity. Wow. Lots of love your way!

  5. Wow, thtais a lot of water!!! Good luck : )

  6. Thanks everyone for the well wishes :) We're drying out and getting back to normal. Cross your fingers that this is the last time this year *grin*.

  7. Oh, people may thing that it was a hard time, but not for me. Well… things like this happen. What I like about your story is that everyone in the family cooperated. That’s the best people can do to get through challenges – do things together with the family. Good thing you were safe and sound.
