
Friday, May 20, 2011

First Camping Trip of the Season

If you go out in the woods today...

We finally got to go on our very first camping trip of the year :)
One of my good friends that we get together with quite a bit also homeschools so we thought it would be great if we could arrange to go camping together just before the long weekend this week.

Side View

So Hubby asked for a few days off about a month ago and on Monday we packed up, hooked on our travel trailer and hit the back roads. One of the perks to homeschooling is camping during the week! Gotta love getting a great campsite while everyone else is working or in school *grin*.

Loveland Bay

It must have been just about dinner time by the time we made it out to our destination, Loveland Bay. The sun was starting to set behind the mountains and we took a few laps around the campground trying to decide which spots would be the best for us. Originally we thought one of the double sites would be great but by the time we pulled our trailer in beside one of the picnic tables we realized that our friend's trailer and awning would then be right behind the backside of ours and they wouldn't have access to their picnic table because of how they have those sites set up with the tables around the perimeter. So out we pulled again and settled on two single sites side by side :) We had never been here before and since we had never camped with them before we wanted to make sure that we got a spot that they would be able to enjoy just as much as us. Plus we went a day before they were due to arrive so we had to make all of the decisions on our own :)


The kids were so excited when they could finally bail out of the truck and the first place they raced off to was the water. The wind was blowing and it was cloudy so they looked on from the water's edge hoping that maybe the next day it would be nice enough to venture in!


Oh was it nice to sit around the blazing campfire when the sun went down. Normally we head north for our first trip and it is so cold that you nearly want to sit on the fire to keep warm so this was a nice change... chilly but enjoyable with the toasty warmth :)


To our surprise the next morning was sunny and every morning after that!!

Loveland Bay

This was the view that greeted my each morning as I dragged my chair to the beach where I could sip my coffee and read a book :)

Making a Raft

When the other children arrived on Tuesday the fun really began for the kids and the boys started making a raft.

Water Play

Even though the water was chilly no one could keep out. Check out the socks! LOL

Testing out the Raft

There were a few trial versions of the raft and finally they had one that they could both stand on and it didn't sink or fall apart *grin*.

Skivvy Flag

Of course every raft has to have a flag so an old pair of skivvies were found and proudly hoisted up on the stick LOL. Oh my goodness was it funny to watch them!


Our friends had brought along a canoe and the youngest two couldn't get enough of it. Her husband was so great about it and took them around the lake quite a few times and I think we're definitely going to have to get one :)

Loveland Bay

It was a great week with good friends, good food and good times :) We're definitely going to have to do this again!

Happy Weekend!


  1. I am so glad you got to go! We had a great time just sleeping in the driveway last night. We are looking forward to our next trip this coming Friday.

  2. I LOVE the raft! It brings back so many fun memories. I can't wait until my own kids are big enough to have those kinds of adventures.
