
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Taking In The Beauty Surrounding Us

Snow... again
Talk about disbelief this morning! This was the scenery that greeted me when I looked out the kitchen window as I made breakfast. It didn't last long but it has brought below zero temperatures again despite the gorgeous sunshine that graced us today :)

Johnstone Strait
I wanted to treat the kids today so we went down to the little corner store and they got to pick out a little candy and we drove the end of the road where it narrows and stops abruptly...

The Point
where the wooden planks and rocky edges join as one with the Johnstone Strait :)

Johnstone Strait
The hues of blue welcomed us and the icy wind whipped around the car but the view was divine. We are so blessed to live only minutes from the ocean. It has to be my favorite place on earth to be :)

Weekend Reading
So while the kids munched on their treats I enjoyed the weekend edition of the paper...

Scanning the Horizon
and they all took turns using the binoculars to look for ships and signs of whales and seals. We had an amazing experience of seeing one of the young bald eagles testing out its hunting skills as it swooped down and attempted to snatch a fish from the ocean's surface! It missed but still very cool :)

Crew boats heading out to the nearby camps had a bit of a bumpy and lumpy trip today as they crashed their way across the strait through the white caps and I was just happy. Oh so happy taking the beauty in around me and listening to the giggles in the backseat :)



  1. Lovely photos. So glad the snow won't last. :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a perfect day, Rosina! I can so appreciate that feeling of just the right place, and the right time...Sunshine and happy children are a good combo too! nearly always leading to the above! Such a nice read!
