
Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Sculptures & Candle Light

Snow Angel

The other day when I was reading Marcia's blog Child in Harmony she had shared a wonderful snow sculpture of a bird that she had made and invited others to join in :) When I mentioned it to the children they were completely gung ho to create something that we could share with her family so we got busy!

I decided to create a snow angel with a crown of Japonica blooms upon her head and her arms folded nicely together in front of her...

Snow Angel

to create a little nook for seed to go for the winter birds. I loved how Marcia's had a little hideaway for seed so I just had to do it to *grin*.

Bird Sculpture

Sticking with the bird theme my 7 year old created this fantastic bird sculpture. She was so happy with how it turned out :)

Snow Feeder

Next she went on to create a little birdie hotel complete with a bird seed cafe on the top surrounded with a little bit of camouflage bush and a cozy little nook in the bottom with a comfy leaf nest :)

Angel light

This evening we took a candle outside for our snow angel to hold and lit it. She was so pretty glowing in the dark outside of our family room window. So wonderfully peaceful to sit and watch it flicker and dance as it illuminated her face.

Hopefully the snow will stay just a little bit longer so that we can enjoy a few more nights of our glowing angel before she melts away :)



  1. What a beautiful snow angel!! Someone in our neighbourhood built a snow 'cat'. My kids usually build forts.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment our place is fine, only garages full of water, so we are lucky compared to others, esp being so close to the river. The offending sashing on the quilt has been ordered into place! i love those snow sculptures, just lovely!

  3. How beautiful and inspirational too! We have over a foot of the white stuff at the moment. I should try to get the kids to help me make something if I can pull them away from the sledding fun.

  4. Rosina, how simply BEAUTIFUL! I am inspired by you now. Great idea , great photos.

    happy day!

  5. what a cool idea. i just can't even imagine having a snow angel outside my door. no matter how grey it ever gets here it is never cold outside.

  6. This gorgeous and magical. I hope the snow lady and the bird hotel last a few days longer.

  7. Wow! I've never seen a more lovely angel.

  8. Please snow! (Will I regret that?) Your snow angel is absolutely beautiful. I love the seed holders and the candle is magical. Thanks for sharing. And please send snow.

  9. These are so lovely!
    I can't wait to make one with my kiddos. Thank you for inspiring as you always do.
    In PEACE,

  10. Beautiful! I love it so much, I want to make one just like it! Unfortunately, our snow is not packing snow...yet. Maybe after tonight's storm?

  11. I love the lit up snow fun!

  12. I miss your posts :) Love this idea and shared it here

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