
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Project 365 ~ Survivor (Day 9)

Project 365 ~ Survivor

This lone dandelion was spotted in our backyard today. A survivor of the frozen cold that surrounds it. Frosty jaws snapped shut as it wonders what happened to the warm sunshine and grass that graced its view just days earlier.

Goodbye Sun

Mother nature can't seem to decide whether she wants rain, snow or arctic cold *grin*. We have gone full circle from rain and flooding to now frozen snow. Half of our yard is behind trees and hedge so it never sees the sunshine and becomes a veritable winterland for much of the time full of icicles and snow.

Giant puddles in the fields left from the flooding have turned into miniature skating rinks and the children are waiting impatiently for the pond to freeze thick enough to skate on. Unfortunately this freeze is only supposed to last a few more days and the cycle of rain, snow & frozen conditions will run its course again and any ice that covered the pond will thin or disappear again.

Sometimes I long for those ultra cold conditions of the prairies where the snow is consistent as is the dry cold, but I love living on the wet west coast and spring will appear much quicker than I can imagine it :)


PS. You can see more of my Project 365 photos HERE :)


  1. Great photo! Thinking of spring here :) hahaha but a long way off.

    happy day!

  2. I love photo of your snapping dragon. :) Here, it was almost spring-like yesterday, but short lived. Ho hum!

  3. Warms my heart to see the dandelion all cold and lonely! :-) I get to fight them in my garden again this year. But it does make a lovely picture.

  4. Great photos! We've got plenty of the white stuff outside, too.
