
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Project 365 ~ Day 1


I've decided that I'm going to do Project 365 all over again :)

Back in 2007 I took a single photo every day, posting it on my old blog for an entire year and it was a lot of fun. I haven't quite decided if I'm going post a photo every day though or a weekly post sharing a weeks worth of photos in one shot this time around but here is my first one for 2011!

These amazing little shards of ice coming out of the ground are all over today. It is so cold here right now that the ground is eroding and pushing up in places leaving deep crevices around rocks and these beautiful little patches of ice shards. They're thin like little razor sharp needles yet so delicate that the littlest bit of pressure causes them to snap.

If you are participating Project 365 let me know! I would love to see your photos. I've also created a new page link above just under my blog header titled 'project 365' where you can click at anytime to catch up on new photos so that you don't have to search through my blog to find them. I still can't believe that it's 2011! It seems like it was just the other day when there was all that talk about Y2K and now it's already 11 years later. Time must really fly when you are having fun *grin*.



  1. I started one this year as well!
    PEEKS OF LIFE -365

    I did one in 2009 but not sure I made it the whole year...I ended up posting bunches at a time with no dates. I *still* plan to fix it. It was a great representation of our year!

    happy day!

  2. I look forward to seeing your year in pictures! How did you make the link page? Thanks for getting back to me regarding the moth balls. We went ahead and put some in a baby food jar with holes poked on top. I will let you know how it works. *smile*

  3. HA! I've been thinking about doing this for a while and decided mine would document my mornings for a year. You see, I struggle to get up in the morning and I hope that this will inspire to see and find the beauty of being up early.

    I'm not sure yet how I'm going to set it up; my blog or flickr...or tumblr. Hmmmm. We'll see.

    Looking forward to your year in pictures. Those ice shards are so cool. xo
