
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yarn Along

A post of my current read and what is cast on my needles ~ Inspired by Ginny over at {Small Things}

Crocheted Snowflakes

Actually today's yarn along post isn't about knitting but crocheting :)
I found some super cute patterns for these little mini snowflakes here, here and here. I love crocheting and find it much easier to do than knitting so this is a great little project to work on while watching a movie in the evening *grin*. I can't wait to get some more done so that I can starch them nice and flat for hanging on our Christmas tree and giving as little gifts :) Now that I think of it these might make great little embellishments to tuck onto the top of gifts along with a gift label!

Knitting Book

On the book front I just picked up a copy of this Mason-Dixon knitting book from the library and it is full of sweet little knit projects....

Love this sweater

like this little 'Fern' sweater. Oh my goodness do I just LOVE this! I'm not sure if it will fit L though. I think she may have grown to big for it but I'm going to measure her anyways.... just in case *grin*.



  1. Hello! Just stopping by from the Yarn Along. Your snowflakes are lovely, and I can see why you love that vest! I'm in Canada too, NWT at the moment, but spent 5 years before this in BC. Nice to meet you!

  2. Very cute snowflakes! They will make great ornaments or gift toppers.

  3. I am a new knitter. But I want to learn to crochet just so I can make flowers and fun things like that. Super cute!!

  4. I love the snow-flakes! I've never really picked up Mason Dixon Knitting, but I love that Fern sweater and may have to give it a peek now!

  5. I love crochet snowflakes! I used to make them all the time. So cute.

  6. Stopping over from the yarn along. I LOVE that sweater pattern... if only I had time to knit something that large!

  7. Hi Rosina....
    I came by to see what kind of Christmasy wonderfulness you are up to:)
    I love the crochet snowflakes. I especially love to crochet during the cold winter months...there is something so cozy about it!
    I hope you are staying warm and having a wonderful Christmas season and a great time decorating:)

  8. I want to knit that sweater for ME! :)

    Your snowflakes are gorgeous. xo

  9. Oh, I just love the snow flakes!
    Years ago I crocheted ALL the time. In fact, I think my knitting technique is skewed because of it.

    I loved doing afghans during the winter. Great way to keep warm on chilly nights.

    I will check out the snow flake patterns. Maybe my oldest would like to make some.
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Love the snowflakes. And the sweater. I have two little boys so unfortunately this seater isn't in my future. Hopefully, it's in yours.

  11. Those snowflakes are adorable! They will look so good hanging from the tree, or sprinkled throughout your home! Hope you are having a great day!

  12. Haven't crocheted for a while. But you might just have given me the inspiration i needed to pick up that crochet hook and start crocheting again.

  13. Cute snow flakes and what a great blog! so happy I stumbled upon you!

  14. OhmyGOODness!! Thank you so much for sharing! I've been too busy to google snowflakes, but I thought they would be nice to make, especially since I remember so many wonderful handmade ornaments on my grandmother's tree in Switzerland. I will have to try some. That cardigan/sweater is soo cute. I love the colors.

  15. i love the snowflakes! wish my crochet skills were up to those!

  16. Your snowflakes are great! Thanks for the links. My grandmother and her sisters made snowflakes which were on our trees growing up and are now on mine. I'd love to learn to make some more!

  17. We have these on our tree! And we had them on out trees growing up. Lovely.

  18. Thanks everyone for all of the lovely comments. I just love reading all of your sweet words :) If I haven't stopped by to say hello I'm on my way! *grin*

  19. Oh I love the crochet snowflakes. I do so need to learn to crochet. I think they would be lovely on a gift or on the tree.

    The sweater is amazing. I think I may have to go in search of that book.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  20. Lovely snowflakes! I tried tatting snowflakes once upon a time - I wonder if I still have my shuttle buried somewhere???

  21. Thanks for stopping by! I love the snowflakes, they are so pretty. I will definitely be looking to see if our library has that knitting book.

  22. the mason dixon washcloths are addictive. but, they are in the first book. you can find the pattern online here:
    i love those crocheted snowflakes and am going to check them out. i need a few more gifts to give.... thanks for sharing!

  23. That sweater is just gorgeous! And your snowflakes are very pretty, I need to make some for my own tree one of these yrs.

  24. Those snowflakes are absolutely darling! I can imagine so many cute uses for them (string them on a garland, as ornaments, as coasters). How cute.

  25. That fern sweater IS gorgeous! We have lots of little starched snowflakes hanging on our tree!
