
Friday, December 17, 2010

Gingerbread Love

Miniature Gingerbread houses

Remember those adorable mini gingerbread houses I linked to a while back? Well I finally got a chance to make them and they are even cuter than I imagined!!

Mini Gingerbread houses

I must have spent a good portion of my morning hand cutting all of the doors, walls and roofs but it was surprisingly enjoyable *grin*. And the house smelled amazing with the scent of ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Those have to be some of the most festive holiday scents along with fresh cut cedar boughs :)

Miniature Gingerbread Houses

Even though some of my pieces were not exactly square the completed houses went together perfectly with the aid of the royal icing. Gotta love that stuff! It's so thick that you can mold it like putty and with the heat of the woodstove blazing beside us they dried within minutes :)

Miniature Gingerbread Houses

It was to late tonight for us to perch them on a hot mug of cocoa and nibble on their candy roofs as it was nearly bedtime but we sure are going to enjoy munching on a few of these this weekend :)

Did you get a chance to make some to? I'd love to have a peek at how you decorated yours :)



  1. yum and oh so cute...we made a big gingerbread house...I love the minis...Enjoy! Mica

  2. you are a master confectionary artist! i aspire to be like you.... i'm going to look for the link on your blog to the royal icing you speak of and the recipe for these cute little houses!

  3. stirred peanuts and then cashews into melted choc chips and dropped onto waxes paper for my first Christmas 'cookies'. may be the extent...we'll see.
    I'm lovin' those houses, though!

  4. Oh, those are so wonderful they make my heart glad!! :) We put together a bigger gingerbread house from a kit and rolled out some cookies to bake last night. It was surprisingly good dough for store-bought by the way. :)

    I hope to mail something on Monday. I'm afraid it might take longer since you are in Canada? Anyhow, I am thinking of you and your blog makes me smile.

  5. Oh, how cute!

    Thanks for your comment about my hat (and for the name inspiration). You'll definitely have to make one! I had no idea fisheries would gather sea urchins. They're new to me--I grew up playing on a tamer coast, but now vacation in Maine, where I learned I could find sea urchin shells on top of cliffs from the sea gulls. So cool! I've got quite a few decorating my house.

  6. I love them! I want to make some! Your's looks soooo cute :)

  7. I just adore the tininess (is that a word??)

  8. You did a great job! I love these. I need a great party to make them for. Someday!
