
Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

Shamrock Farm

I can't believe we're nearing the end of October and that it was already time for our annual trip to Shamrock Farms for our pumpkin hunt!!

Pumpkin Hunt

As we turned off the road and onto their dirt driveway our truck was flanked by fences topped with miniature pumpkins and gourds :)

Pumpkin Hunt

Big brother decided that he would be in charge of our wagon and off we went with it full of children *grin*. It was the strangest weather to. The fog had been sitting in the valley all day and it actually seemed quite fitting for a Halloween pumpkin hunt :)

Pumpkin Hunt

As soon as we got to the pumpkins the kids were off and running in all directions.

Pumpkin Hunt

I think that the enormous choice of pumpkins was nearly to much for them as they scattered in search of the perfect one.


As we looked for ones that would be good for carving, not to green and without any rotten spots...

Get this one... it's the cheapest!

Hubby searched for the tiniest one that he could find. Why you might ask... because it would be the CHEAPEST!!! Haha, what a funny guy. Not!

Pumpkin Hunt

Finally we were loaded with 3 beauties and off we went to have them weighed.

Haunted House display

The great thing about Shamrock farm is that it's not just a u-pick pumpkin patch, but there is a bit of a haunted house inside the barn with oodles of scary pumpkins, skeletons, bats and a warty witches room full of creepy things :) The kids always love checking it all out. If you hop over to my flickr page later you can see more of the farm to.

Feeding Chickens

The fun didn't stop inside the barn either! Outside are chickens to feed and turkeys, geese and goats to watch. It's such a fun place to spend a bit of your afternoon and part of our Halloween tradition. We don't actually go out trick or treating but it is my husband's birthday on Halloween so we always have a great party with carved pumpkins and creepy foods. It's so much fun :)

I think I'm going to hunt down some fireworks for this year to. When my youngest two were smaller they always cried when they went off but I think they're old enough to actually enjoy it this year *grin*. How about you. What do you do for Halloween?



  1. Hi Rosina, thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. I'm catching up on yours. We don't actually celebrate Halloween typically either, and the boys and I have evolved different traditions around it over the years. Last year we focussed more on Samhain (pronounced SOW-in), which honours more of a Celtic harvest time and Day of the Dead time as well. We simply don't need or eat the candy. And my boys loved to dress up, so we worked that in to the days leading up to it. Farm, harvest, honouring the Earth all seem to e more meaningful to our family.

    How unique to celebrate a birthday on Halloween. It's great that that is a priority in your family!

    The Shamrock Farm looks very inviting. We are next door to a farm with a pumpkin patch (how convenient is that?!?) and so don't have to go too far, although we do love another pumpkin patch at a lovely herb farm and do visit them too. Fall is delightful!!


  2. Hello Rosina,

    I just stumbled upon your blog- it's lovely!

    Thank you for visiting our farm and capturing the magic here :)

    I have a question to ask. I adore the photo of the little boy in the green wagon heading out to our pumpkin patch. Is there any way that I could us this photo on our website? Perhaps I could trade for free pumpkins this year, if you were planning on another visit. If not, no worries, I totally understand.

    Just thought I'd ask. Thanks again for writing such lovely post about the farm. We really appreciate it.


    love the
