
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A New Bed For The Boy

k's new bed

My husband loves to make things just as much as I do and has a real passion for woodworking :) He started making beds last spring when my youngest started to escape his crib and was in need of a big boy bed and now it's my oldest sons turn for a new bed.

k's new bed

To make each bed special for the boys he monograms their first initial on the headboard with a router and I think it's such a neat thing for the kids to have a bed that is uniquely their own :)

K's new bed

Hubby is making K's out of rough spruce lumber and he builds them with a slat bottom so that the mattress can be set right upon them and then there is no need to purchase a box spring. It makes a nice high bed to :) All that's left is some more router work on the posts, sanding and a finishing coat of clear stain so that it will keep it's beautiful natural look. They're definitely skookum and can stand up to boyish rough and tumble play *grin*.

My little girl is just about ready to move out of her toddler bed so I've got some girly bed plans that I'm going to get hubby to look at next.... maybe I'll get him to put her initial in a heart :)



  1. Delightful. My father is a retired Joiner and we also had hand made beds. My children slept in a wooden crib when they were tiny.

  2. We had a wooden cradle for our children when they were babies. My father made it when I was a baby and then passed it down to me. I'm hoping that my daughter will want to use it when she is ready to have babies :)

  3. That bed is beautiful. We never used a crib; Isaac has always been in a double bed - but how I would love a handmade bed for him. What talent you and your hubby have. xoxo

  4. How special to have a monogrammed bed made by Dad. Lucky kiddos.

  5. I love the bed and the letter carved into it!! That's great! :D Kelly made a cradle for our babies and we'll keep that forever too.

  6. I want beds like this at our house, only I would love some folkart carvings and then have it painted to look like a Jan Brett illustration. I can just picture my daughter curled up under a little tulip/ heart/ quilt patch headboard. I may have to ask our local bear carver about it for her fourth birthday...

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