
Monday, September 6, 2010

Blind Sided

sisters holding hands

Life has thrown our family another curve ball. My younger sister was told only days ago that she has some very abnormal cell growth around her cervix and that she would have to have an immediate biopsy to determine exactly what is going on and a possible surgical procedure to stave off any cancerous growth.

She and her husband were just starting the journey of expanding their family and she is very understandably worried. Tomorrow I take her to a nearby hospital for the procedure and I'm keeping a positive outlook for her no matter what because I truly can't bring myself to think of the worst. I feel like a child with her fingers in her ears singing "la la la la la la la" at the top of her lungs so that they can't hear anything else.

I think what terrifies me the most is that if my dad has had cancer and my sister may have it to that I'm next... I know I'm getting way ahead of myself but sometimes those ugly little thoughts sneak up on you :(

If you could keep my sister in your prayers tomorrow as we find out just what is going on that would be so lovely.



  1. I wish her well, Rosina! So lovely that you go with her to keep her mind of things a bit and support her. Hope all goes well!

  2. I will surely say a pray for her and be thinking about you guy's tomorrow.These are some scary times for your family I am sure. May God give you a peacful mind and may His healing hands be on her. With love, Mica

  3. Lord, I ask that You watch over Rosina, her sister and her sister's family as they go through this. I ask that the biopsy would find that there is nothing to worry about. Give the doctor's wisdom as they look into this, and I ask that whatever they find they will have a quick and easy solution. Give peace and strength, especially to Rosina's sister. Amen!


  4. Praying as well. Luke what wonderful prayer, thank you for giving words to my silent prayer. Best wishes Rosina.

  5. I will pray for you, your sister and your family Rosina! Just last night I was thinking we have had something major happen every year since 1999. I'm starting to get used to it (no more panic attacks). Kelly has a consult with a back surgeon today. =( We are praying for the non-surgical therapy to work. I will keep you in my prayers. ((((hugs)))) ~Cori

  6. Praying for you all Rosina.

  7. Praying for your family, especially your sister. (((Hugs!)))

  8. Oh Rosina,

    I will be thinking of you and your sister, and your whole family. Saying a prayer on your behalf and sending lots of love and strength your way. xoxo

  9. Most of the time these little tests are nothing..... so my prayers are that this was simply a glitch.... you can read my cervical cancer story begining in Jan or Feb 2008 on my blog.....

    2 years and I am going strong!!!!
