
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finding Normal

L and M in field

I brought my dad home Sunday afternoon after 6 days in the hospital and I think we're all still struggling to find some sort of normalcy. The traveling back and forth to the hospital an hour away each day has taken its toll on me and left me feeling drained and we're trying to get back into a normal routine again.

Dad seems to be doing well. He has no pain at his incision site and his bodily functions are starting to return so that is wonderful. We had a bit of a scare tonight when I helped him change his dressing though. He had some weeping from part of the incision and I ended up calling the nursing hotline for advice but she let me know that it wasn't out of the ordinary if there was no sign of infection and if the weeping stopped and didn't get any worse than it would be alright. So far it seems to have stopped so we'll just keep a close eye on it for now. Thursday is the big day when we finally find out if any of the cancer has spread into his lymph nodes and I think that once we have that final okay that he is in the clear we will all feel so much better.

For now I'm busying myself with party preparations for L's 7th birthday :) Her actual birthday was last week while dad was in the hospital but we postponed it and on Friday we will finally have a big party for her. I can't wait. I'm working on a special bunting for her and some pinwheel party favors, special cupcakes and more. I always love to put on a big spread for her and treat her like a real little princess. I know she won't be disappointed with this years surprises *grin*.

I can't believe summer is finally winding down to. Only a handful of days left before we get back to our homeschooling routine. I've been pulling out books and making plans but I never set anything in stone as I like to have the freedom to mix it up :)

How about you, are you ready for these care free summer days to end?
~ Rosina


  1. Praying for your Dad and praying for good news on Thursday! I like to mix it up too, so I haven't made many plans except a general idea. I'm finally getting out to enjoy summmer now. It's been a summer full of up and downs for us too.

  2. Hi Rosina...
    I'm also praying for good news:)
    Such a hard time you are going through right now with your Dad...
    planning for the party is a nice distraction though and I know you will make it fabulous!
    My kids go back to school tomorrow and I always have mixed emotions about that...
    It's always so hard for me to see summers end.

  3. What a blessing you are to him! And I know that the pictures from L's birthday will be glorious! Can't wait.

  4. Warm healing thoughts to you guys!!
