
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Market Day

market day

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend as much as we are!
Today was market day so we loaded up into the car and headed down island for the day :) First stop was at an old favorite. This farm used to be a nursery and produce stand but it closed quite a few years ago and has just recently been revived again. I always love driving down long winding driveways to hidden farmyards and it just happened that we got a HUGE head of organic leaf lettuce for only $2 for taking the time to check out what was happening at the end of this dirt lane *grin*.

A couple of hours after leaving home we finally arrived at the Comox Valley Farmer's Market and I just love it there. It's bursting with the most fantastic vendors selling breads, jams, plants, vegetables, herbs, honey, meats and much more, plus there is live entertainment always. You can literally spend the entire morning there! I purchased tomatoes, red peppers, kolrabi, cucumbers and a really big pumpkin plant to put in our garden :)

Playing tourist

Next we headed into the town of Comox and wandered down and about the streets. I felt a bit like a tourist today as I snapped photos of different scenery *grin*. One of our favorite places to stop when we are there is at Benino Gelato.


They have the most amazing flavors of gelato which if you haven't had it before is an Italian version of ice cream that is sooo good :) Passion fruit was my flavor of the day and as M licked away at his bubblegum flavored cone we headed towards the marina.

Playing Tourist

Such a beautiful and warm day to enjoy our cones and the views of the ocean and mountains :) We really didn't have any particular destination in mind as we wandered and eventually ended up at the park that is right down at the marina.

Park fun

Play jeeps, monkey bars, swings and slides... what more could a little boy ask for *grin*.

Crown Isle

After all that monkeying around we decided to treat ourselves to a really nice lunch in the dining room at the Crown Isle resort. It's actually really reasonably priced for being able to enjoy the view from under the glass domed rooftop and eat at tables covered with linens. Pretty swank I must say *grin*.

Crown Isle

My little man enjoyed his fancy cone of fries as I munched away on a walnut sourdough panini filled with an incredible cranberry chutney, brie, pancetta & chicken breast. Mmmm, it was definitely a lip smacking day. Good thing we did a whole lot of walking around town today *grin*.

How about you, what are your weekend plans?

~ Rosina


  1. Looks like a great day . We had a great weekend too. Spent it visiting my aunt in Hamilton. I've got great pics and stories to share. Lots of fun.
    My garden..First off, it hasn't been that hot here. We've had a couple weeks with really hot weather, but other than that it's been just average and at times quite cool. But as of Friday, we are in another heat wave.
    We did get peas off our plants (the ones the birds didn't get) but the plants are just about done. I think I'm going to pull them tomorrow to make way for some winter crops or maybe another sowing of beans. As for the beans, they have all flowered and as of this weekend...have started to produced little beans...about an inch or so long. Our tomatoes have offically taken off. They are all now flowering like crazy with a handful of the plants producing fruit - nothing we can harvest yet...but if the weather stays like this...soon. It has definitely been too warm for our broccoli. It is a cool weather crop - which explains why yours is doing so good. I'm going to make sure I order some calabresse broccoli next year...which is for growing in warm summers.
    We came home from Hamilton today and the squirrels had dug up some of our carrots. I have more growing somewhere else but it sure is infuriating.
    Our potatoes...HA! I have no idea. The plants are 18 inches high and while every now and then I see the possibility of a bloom...nothing happens. When we returned from our weekend away, the were spotted and not looking very well. We'll see.

    I agree - so many people have fantastic gardens. What do they do to get them that way? :) Ah's a learning process. I'll take what I can get. -Debbie

  2. Hi Rosina, So close yet so far away. It looks like you had a great time in Comox. I sent you an up to date email to your gmail account, but would love to see you and yours sometime soon.
    I have been enjoying your blogging yet again what a precious family you have and what an amazing mother you are! ((hugs))

  3. Hey, We got our first little yellow squash today so maybe there is some hope for the gardens. Still NO rain. I just returned from reading my book sitting in the creek in a feeble attempt to stay cool! WOW!!! That shoulder full of lettuce is something else...guess you all are going to be eating lots of salads this week..YUM!!! Love , Genie
