
Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Obsession

Okay I admit it... I am utterly obsessed with quilts and every time I see a new pattern I just want to try it out *grin*. I've had this bright and cheery stack of fabric waiting to be turned into something fabulous and Oh Fransson's great New Wave Quilt is just begging to be made with it! LOL.

Photo courtesy of Watch Meesh Run via Flickr

I think it's going to look fabulous with the strikingly bright pinks, greens, blues & yellows dissected by the white sashing. Oooh so yummy *grin*. I need to get my hands on some template plastic tomorrow or find something around here to use so I can get started!

What sewing projects do you have on the go right now? I'd love to take a peek :)

~ Rosina


  1. I love your bright, cheery style. Quilts make me drool. One day I will learn! My cousin is having a baby and they love drumming and music. He's already talking about baby drumsticks. lol I prolly won't find too many drum baby quilts. =) I need to step up and make him one. If I do I'll post about it, crooked stitches and all. Hee

  2. What a neat looking pattern! and such pretty material! :-)

  3. I agree that your lucious stack of fabric will look perfect in the new wave quilt!
    Don't you just love starting a new quilt?
    I would love to see your progress...

  4. Can't wait to see the finished project! Your fabric is so colorful- like candy!

  5. Beautiful fabric! My apron is all cut out, but waiting on my mom (I am not brave enough.) She is busy with selling their home and other projects. But, I have hope that we will finish it in the next few weeks. This gives me time to ponder ruffles or no ruffles on the aporn. Happy Sewing to you , my friend.

  6. I too am in love with quilts. I've been wanting to make one for years. (My grandma was a quilter.) I recetnly purchased a pattern off of Etsy that I'm going to try...and I have 12 finished blocks (finished by someone else...) that I'll attempt to put together and finish up as well. Oh, and the colours of that fabric; just like candy...almost gives me a tooth ache. (In a good way.)
